California State Park Rangers Association

Donation Support Update for SoCal State Park Fire Victims

Note from CSPRA President Ptomey: During this unprecedented disaster our Park Family was in need of your support. CSPRA worked with the Ranger Foundation and State Park Foundation to raise money to support relief efforts for park staff and their families directly affected by the fires in LA.  Thanks to those who generously donated to help these victims! 

The Ranger Foundation update posted on March 17th can be seen HERE.











Update from RF President: I am quite happy to report that the Ranger Foundation has exceeded its goal in support of the park victims in the LA fires!   No additional donations will be needed at this point.  


If there are funds not expended for this disaster, they will remain in the Ranger Foundation Disaster Relief Fund for use in future disasters. Again, many thanks ❤️ to all the generous donors! Mike Lynch