California State Park Rangers Association
CSPRA's Elected Leadership
John Muir and President Roosevelt at Yosemite circa 1904
Vice-Presidents & Presidents Elect
1. Lewis Paul Griffith 11/64 - 7/66
2. Al Salzgeber 7/66 - 1/68
3. Richard Brock 1/68 - 3/70
4. Wesley Cater 3/70 - 3/72
5. Jack Welch 3/72 - 3/74
6. Herman Schlerf 3/74 - 3/76
7. Ron McCall 3/76 - 3/78
8. Denzil Verardo 3/78 - 3/82
9. John Mott 3/82 - 3/84
10. Jeffery B. Price 3/84 - 3/86
11. Rick Parmer 3/86 - 3/88
12. Donald Murphy 3/88 - 3/90
13. Maurice Getty 3/90 - 3/92
14. Nina Gordon 3/92 - 4/92
15. Wayne Harrison 4/92 - 3/94
16. Maurice Getty 3/94 - 3/96
17. Dave Nelson 3/96 - 3/97
18. Scott Nakaji 3/97 - 3/98
19. Jill Dampier 3/98 - 3/99
20. Nick Franco 3/99 - 3/00
21. Kim Baker 3/00 - 3/01
22. Geary Hund 3/01 - 3/02
23. Kevin Buchanan 3/02 - 3/03
24. Dana Jones 3/03 - 3/04
25. Valerie Bradshaw 3/04 - 3/05
26. Ronald Brean 3/05 - 3/06
27. Angela Nowicki 3/06 - 3/07
28. Gail Sevrens 3/07 - 3/09 †
29. Pam Armas 3/09 - 3/11
30. Nina Gordon 3/11 - 3/13
31. Matt Bellah 3/13-3/15
32. Victor Bjelajac 3/15 - 12/16
33. Michael G. Lynch 1/17 - 12/20
34. David Carle 1/21 - 12/24
25. Steven Ptomey - current
1. Al Salzgeber 11/64 - 6/66
2. Dick Brock 7/66 - 12/67
3. Kirk Wallace 1/68 - 3/70
4. Cliff Wade 3/70 - 3/72
5. Herman Schlerf 3/72 - 3/74
6. Ron McCall 3/74 - 3/76
7. Denzil Verardo 3/76 - 3/78
8. Jeffery B. Price 3/78 - 3/80
9. Mike Lynch 3/80 - 3/82
10. Cliff Wade 3/82 - 3/84
11. Joan Grammer 3/84 - 3/85
12. Rick Parmer 3/85 - 3/86
13. Mike Whitehead 3/86 - 3/89
14. Maurice Getty 3/89 - 3/90
15. Rick LeFlore 3/90 - 3/92
16. Wayne Harrison 3/92 - 6/92
17. E. Tyler Conrad 6/92 - 10/92
18. Rick Sermon 3/93 - 3/94
19. Dave Nelson 3/94 - 3/95
20. Natalie Lohi 3/08 - 12/09
21. Lynn Rhodes 12/09 -1/11
22. Don Schmidt 1/11 - 12/11
23. Mark Hada 12/11 - 7/15
24. Sue Neary 7/15 - 12/17
25. Ann Meneguzzi 1/18 - current
Presidents Elect *
1. Dave Nelson 3/95 - 3/96
2. Scott Nakaji 3/96 - 3/97
3. Jill Dampier 3/97 - 3/98
4. Nick Franco 3/98 - 3/99
5. Kim Baker 3/99 - 3/00
6. Geary Hund 3/00 - 3/01
7. Kevin Buchanan 3/01 - 3/02
8. Dana Jones 3/02 - 3/03
9. Valerie Bradshaw 3/03 - 3/04
10. Ronald Brean 3/04 - 3/05
11. Angela Nowicki 3/05 - 3/06
12. Gail Sevrens 3/06 - 3/07 †
* Prior to 1995 members elected a two-year term President and Vice-President in alternate years. A change in By Laws in 1995 provided for the office of President-Elect, who serves one year on the Board of Directors and then assumes the office of President for one year.
† In 2007 it was determined that a one-year term did not allow the executive board time to get programs in place, so the practice of electing a President and Vice President for staggered two-year terms was once again put to a membership vote and passed, restoring the 2-year term election format in 2008.
‡ In 2016 the Constitution was amended** by majority vote of the membership changing officers and directors taking office at the Annual Meeting following the election, to having officers and directors take office on January 1st following the election. This was required as the Annual Meeting date was moved from March each year to a later September or October date to coincide with the Annual Retiree Rendezvous, which would have delayed installation of a new Board.
**Constitution , Article VI, Section 2. Board of Directors, As amended January 1, 2016. Officers and Directors shall be elected at large by the voting members. The Officers and Directors shall serve for two years beginning immediately after their installation on January 1st following their election. The President and Secretary shall take office in odd numbered years and the Vice President and Treasurer shall take office in even numbered years. Four Directors shall be take office in odd years and three Directors in even numbered years.