Mott Training Center, Asilomar, training class @ 1973
The California State Park Rangers Association (CSPRA) places a strong emphasis on professional training and career development. To that end, CSPRA offers its members financial assistance through scholarships and grants under the direction of the CSPRA Training and Professional Development Committee.
CSPRA offers two kinds of support to members as follows:
Training and Education Scholarships are available for professional and career development training courses, seminars fees, or similar career enhancement training endeavors, that fit the mission and goals of California State Parks (CSP) and/or CSPRA. The scholarships are for training the state parks will not fund. An example might be to attend the California Parks Training Conference or an out-of-state conference of the National Association for Interpretation (NAI).
Professional Development Grants are available for non-training activities that expand an individual's skills, knowledge, expertise or other characteristics as a park professional and that fit within the mission and goals of California State Parks (CSP) and/or CSPRA. Examples would be attendance at the World Ranger Congress, making a presentation at a park-related symposium or volunteering at an archeological dig.
We need you, the member, to take the next step in developing your skills and enhancing your perspective of the park profession. The Application process is described below.
Send questions and/or your completed application to CSPRA's Training and Professional Development Committee.
Following are criteria/rules for obtaining a Training and Education Scholarship or a Professional Development Grant:
Criteria/Rules for Scholarships or Grants
1. Applicants must be a CSPRA member for one year to be eligible for a scholarship or grant.
2. Active Members and Active Retired Members may only be awarded one scholarship or grant per 12-month period up.
3. The maximum reimbursement shall be $500 for Active Members and $250 for Active Retired Members.
4. Reimbursements can be used to pay for registration fees, transportation, lodging, meals, and other related expenses, subject to review. Reimbursements cannot be used to pay for alcoholic or other intoxicants, equipment, incidentals, gifts, or other organization's dues.
5. Applications shall normally be submitted as early as possible, but no later than 30 days in advance of the requested activity.
6. Applicants must show proof that funding from California State Parks is not available, generally in the form of documentation from the member’s supervisor.
7. Applications must include a detailed description of the proposed endeavor, including an estimated budget. If travel is involved, the full itinerary should be included.
8. Applicants must submit an article to the editor of CSPRA newsletter membership within 45 days of completing the activity, describing the activity and its professional relevancy to the applicant and CSPRA/CSP. Reimbursement will only be made upon completion of the required article.
How successful are these CSPRA member support programs?
Over the last 25 years, almost $40,000.00 in scholarships and grants have been awarded to members to attend such courses as an historic preservation class given by the Sagamore Institute, training to learn how to make a wooden bow from a bowmaster in Texas, the National Association of Interpreters Conference, a course on Elementary Science and how to teach kids from K-6 at Hayward State University, a course on Basic River Canoeing, a conference by the Association for Living Historical Farmers and Agricultural Museums, a leadership training course sponsored by Leadership Santa Cruz County, the California Mission Studies Conference, and scholarships to attend the CSPRA conference held each year.