California State Park Rangers Association

President’s Message

Poppy Preserve during “super bloom”

1st Quarter 2025

by Steve Ptomey, President

As my first message to the members of CSPRA I would like to start off the year thanking Dave Carle for his service as President for the past two terms.  His experience and insights have helped CSPRA immensely.  

I would also like to congratulate Secretary Joanne Kerbavaz and Director Jean Rhyne being re-elected and welcome aboard new Directors Jeremy Lin, Riley Budd, and Dan Kraft. I also want to acknowledge the continuing service of Vice President Ann Meneguzzi and Treasurer Ron Krueper.   

President Steve Ptomey

I would also thank the outgoing Directors Jon Irwin and Cindy Begbie for their service!  I want to also acknowledge and thank Mike Lynch for his years serving as Board Advisor as well as Jeff Price and Brian Cahill for their continued and unwavering support behind the scenes keeping the webpage and newsletter running.  

I would like to share with you all some of my priorities in this coming year: Membership, Mentorship and Making things happen.  As an organization we need to grow, in the past few years we have seen fewer new members and the passing of many of our retired members (Gray Bears).  We need to focus on growing the ranks of CSPRA, across all classifications and levels in the department.  I would like to put out a challenge to all our current “active” members to try to recruit at least one new person this year.   

This brings us to the second part of this proposed plan; Mentorship.  With so many “new” staff joining the department as well as a the large number of retirees over the  past few years, there is quite the need for CSPRA members to help the new generation embrace the Parks ethos and the core mission of CSPRA: Support, Protect, and defend the integrity of State Parks, Advance the highest principles of public service, Serve as the conscience for the department, Maintain the integrity of natural, historical and cultural heritage.  

Lastly, making things happen.  With the budget shortfalls the department is facing this fiscal year (and probably next) this is our opportunity to help make things happen by sponsoring scholarships to professional meetings, training, publications and grants to help fund special projects.   

I hope all of us can work together and pull from the literally hundreds of years of combined park expertise to help State Parks be the best it can be. 

Thank you for your support and all your efforts in making CSPRA the voice of the park professional. 


            Steve Ptomey, CSPRA President