1. CSPRA will provide retiring members a beautiful, laser engraved commemorative, wood plaque. If notified far enough in advance of an upcoming local celebration or party, we’d like to attend and make the presentation in person.Let us know your plans by sending a note to RETIRING SOON with “plaque’’ in the subject line.
2.If you are a retired CSPRA member and we did not get notified to have your plaque delivered, just let us know now and we’ll do it retroactively.In late 2021 we discovered a member of over 50 years who retired 20 years ago, but never received his retirement plaque. He has one now.Let us know now if we missed your retirement.Send a note to ALREADY RETIRED with “missed my plaque” in the subject line.
3.When you retire we take immediate action to save you money, when we cut your monthly dues in half and switch you to CalPERS.
CSPRA commemorative retirement plaque, presented March 2023
to Karen Barrett by CSPRA Vice President Ann Meneguzzi
4.As a retiree, you are eligible to join a most exclusive e-mail group forum, GrayBears. You do not have to be a CSPRA member, just honorably retired with an e-mail address. To see a list of the over 400 members GO HERE and how to subscribe, GO HERE.
5. You can enjoy meeting other state park retirees at the annual ”Retirees Rendezvous.”The November 2023 event will be held in conjunction with the CSPRA Annual Membership meeting at Lake Perris SRA. Details HERE.